Mission StatementTo create a peaceful world by teaching Adlerian social and emotional life skills for respectful relationships. Our ServicesApplied in the family setting, Positive Discipline teaches important social and life skills, in a manner that is respectful to both the adults and children - raising young people to be responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their community. Children who grow up in Positive Discipline homes have a sense of connection to their community (home, school), feel their input is regarded as meaningful and are less likely to engage in "mis" behavior. To be successful members of the community children need to be taught the necessary social skills. Positive Discipline is based on the understanding that discipline must be taught and that discipline teaches. Family Meetings are a key component of the Positive Discipline home. Likewise, applied in the school setting, Positive Discipline educates teachers about the importance of belonging and significance, respect for all people, encouragement, strategies for reducing misbehavior, and the development of problem solving and communication skills for students and staff. One key component is regularly scheduled Class Meetings which provide a problem solving forum and reduce the number of interruptions to teaching time. Positive Discipline materials provide teachers with specific lessons to use with children from preschool to high school age to teach healthy self-discipline. Teachers report they enjoy teaching more because Positive Discipline promotes better discipline in their classrooms and more cooperation among students, thereby providing more teaching time. Child Care Centers, After School Programs and other community agencies also benefit from the use of the same Positive Discipline approaches. A wide range of books and manuals addressing child development, Positive Discipline principles and special family situations is available. Typical book titles include Positive Discipline for Preschoolers, Positive Discipline for Teenagers, Positive Discipline in the Classroom, and Positive Discipline: A Teacher’s A to Z Guide. The Positive Discipline Association is a non-profit organization that strengthen families, schools, and communities with training for trainers who educate parents (including foster parents and house parents for residential settings), teachers, administrators and other helping professionals. It provides training materials and follow-up services. All the work is based upon Adlerian/Dreikursian principles for issues relating to parenting, guidance, discipline, relationships, communication skills, and team building. Specific target groups for workshops or trainings include, but are not limited to:
Trainings or workshops are offered by Certified Trainers, primarily in a two-day, experiential, format in various locations around the world. Rigorous training, continuous networking, and an annual Think Tank assures a high level of competency among associates. Training is also provided upon request to an entire school or agency staff. A fourteen hour program format is available specifically for educating parents and/or teachers. Provisions are in place to offer scholarships and a reduced fee schedule for individuals of low to moderate income who might find the fee prohibitive for workshops and trainings. The Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.Without limitation of the foregoing, the Corporation has the following specific purposes. How It All BeganPositive Discipline is a program based on the work of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs. The principles can be found in the best selling Positive Discipline books by Dr. Jane Nelsen and her many co-authors. Lynn Lott and Jane Nelsen developed the training programs Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way and Positive Discipline in the Classroom. About the Founders of Positive DisciplineDr. Jane Nelsen Lynn and Jane Combine Forces
In 1990, Lynn Lott and Jane Nelsen joined forces to revise and expand the Teaching Parenting Manual Lynn and her students put together in 1987. They made the manual more user-friendly, revised the problem solving steps, and added a lot of new activities and promotional ideas. Over the next eight years, they updated the manual with many new materials. In 2007, with the help of a group of Certified Positive Discipline Associates, Lynn and Jane created the sixth edition of Teaching Parenting. They also authored several books together, Positive Discipline for Teenagers, Positive Discipline A-Z, and Positive Discipline in the Classroom. In 1969 when my first child was six months old, I picked up a book called Children: The Challenge by Rudolf Dreikurs and it changed my life. At that time, there was a group of volunteers leading parenting classes to study the ideas in that book. I took one of these classes, became a volunteer leader, and have been teaching parenting and relationship skills ever since. Though I came to Positive Discipline as a parent, it wasn’t long before I was using the ideas in multiple settings, including my private practice as a therapist. In 1973, I founded an Adlerian organization in northern California. That organization evolved into the Family Education Center where I ran a weekly parent education/family-in-focus program for thirteen years. As parents in the program became more involved and skilled, I created an internship program to teach them how to be parent educators and counselors. The interns learned how to teach experientially, based on what I had learned from John Taylor, so that their parenting groups would be more interesting and effective than the first one I took back in 1969. I created the Parents Helping Parents Problem Solving Steps so that new students would have a map to use when they counseled parents using the open forum model introduced by Adler, Dreikurs, Christensen, Walton, Platt and others. The open forum included working with volunteer parents, teachers, and/or families in front of an audience. Watching this magical method closely, I could see what these master Adlerians did and turned the magic into steps that others could follow. In the summer of 1987, my students and I created the first Teaching Parenting Manual for others to use." | The Positive Discipline Association receives a 5% donation for all purchases made at www.positivediscipline.com |