If you are a Positive Discipline Certified Educator, you can become a Certified Trainer to facilitate Certification Workshops in one or more of the following Core Areas: 如果你是一名正面管教讲师,你可以成为一名认证导师,开展一个或多个正面管教核心认证班。
成为一名导师的认证过程,需要广泛参与这个领域的实践和专业发展。你需要在申请参加导师候选人高级培训(ACT)时提供自己相关的资质证明资料。 WHAT IS AN ADVANCED CANDIDATE TRAINING (ACT)? Advanced Candidate Training is a 4-day workshop (or online series) facilitated by Positive Discipline Lead Trainers. The learning objective is to prepare Trainer Candidates to facilitate Positive Discipline Certification Core Workshops. To attend, there is a process of preparation that culminates in this workshop. Each ACT has a cohort of only 12 participants. Note: It takes time and diligence to develop true mastery of facilitation skills and a deep understanding of Positive Discipline. The amount of time to complete the process of Advanced Training will vary depending on your background and individual life and/or professional experience. This process takes a minimum of 12 months. 什么是导师候选人高级培训(ACT)? 导师候选人高级培训是由正面管教高级导师带领的、为期4天的培训(或在线系列) (译者注:中英文双语培训为5天)。学习目标是帮助导师候选人做好准备,具备带领正面管教核心认证班的能力。参加ACT培训有一个准备过程。每期培训只有12名 学员。 注意:需要时间和勤奋,让你真正掌握正面管教的带导技能和深刻理解正面管教。多长时间可以申请ACT培训,这取决于你的背景、个人生活和/或专业经验。这个过程至少需要12个月。 WHAT IS A TRAINER CANDIDATE? A Trainer Candidate is a Positive Discipline Certified Educator in one of three Positive Discipline Core Workshops (listed above) going through the process of completing a series of steps to be considered to attend an Advanced CandidateTraining. If you are uncertain as to whether you are ready to take this important step toward certification, please contact the PDA at act@positivediscipline.org 什么是导师候选人 ? 导师候选人(Trainer Candidate)是参加过正面管教核心认证班(TP, PDC, ECE) 之一的正面管教讲师,通过一系列步骤的申请过程,未来可以参加导师候选人高级培训。 如果您不确定自己是否已经准备好向认证导师迈出重要的一步,请通过act@positivediscipline.org 联系PDA。 TO GET STARTED ____Complete Trainer Candidate Application. ____Get a Trainer Candidate Level Membership. Note: The PDA will invoice you upon approval of your ____ Once your invoice is paid, you will be announced in the PDA Newsletter as a new Trainer Candidate 申请流程如何开始第一步 ____完成导师候选人的申请程序 http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2000609/PDTC-application ____在PDA网站的资质级别为导师候选人。备注:当你的导师候选人申请获批准后,PDA网站会自动给你发送 ____一旦你的电子账单支付后, PDA通讯的新导师候选人专栏将公布你的照片和联系方式。
GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ____Attend Positive Discipline Conferences and Think Tanks. ____Participate regularly in LIVE Interactive Online Virtual Mentor Groups. ____Read as many Positive Discipline books as possible. ____Read Adler, Dreikurs, and other Adlerian resources. ____Attend an Art of Facilitation workshop. (Recommend after April 2021 where available in China) ____Submit all required materials for approval in a timely and professional manner. ____Become familiar with the PDA website; learn from the videos, webinars, teleconferences, & 申请流程的建议和要求 达到推荐要求的总体建议 ____参加正面管教会议和智库。 ____每月参与互动在线虚拟督导组。 ____阅读尽可能多的正面管教丛书。 ____阅读阿德勒、德雷克斯和其他阿德勒的资源。 ____参加过《正面管教带导艺术工作坊》(译者注:简.尼尔森博士和高导Nadine研发的新工作坊) ____及时、专业地提交所有需要审核的材料。 ____熟悉PDA网站各项功能;从视频、线上研讨会、电话会议和相关参考资料中学习。
____The PDA will only send Trainer Candidate files for final review when ALL required documentation. ____Completion of ONE TP and a minimum of ONE other Core Workshop (ECE or PDC) depending on ____Maintain an active Trainer Candidate Level Membership for a minimum of one year before applying ____Submit a 2-page written reflection of Jane Nelsen's original Positive Discipline book (available in multiple ____ Submit a 2-page written reflection on a book by Alfred Adler or Rudolf Dreikurs reflecting on how one or two key ____Request written recommendation letters from two people who know your Positive Discipline work. 申请所有导师资质都需达到的基本要求 ____只有当你的所有必需文档提交完整后,PDA才会发送该导师候选人的文件进行最终审核。 ____必须参加过TP和另一个核心认证班(ECE或PDC)。 根据你的目标和培训的兴趣来决定你选择PDC或ECE。 ____在申请ACT之前,你在PDA网站的导师候选人级别的连续有效期至少一年以上。 ____提交一份简. 尼尔森《正面管教》一书的书面反思报告(二頁), (该书有多种语言译本)。 ____提交一份阿德勒或德雷克斯著作的书面反思报告(二頁),反思1到2个关键原则或观点。 ____要求2封推荐信,来自了解你正面管教工作的人,可以是督导、导师、高级导师,或与你一同在学校工作 的人。这些书 面推荐信需要有推荐人“直接”发送电子邮件,推荐信以附件形式发到 act@positivediscipline.org。 ADVANCED CANDIDATE TRAINING CHECKLIST 导师候选人高级培训检查清单REQUIREMENTS BY CERTIFICATION 不同导师资质的申请要求 Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (TP): ____Facilitate parenting classes (a minimum of THREE 6-week series is required). ____At least EIGHT attendees per series. ____Why 6-week series? Because you need to experience exactly what you will be training others to do.
家长导师认证(TP): ____带领正面管教家长课 (最少要提交三期连续六周的家长课资料,这是最基本的要求) ____每期家长课至少有八名固定的学员。 ____为什么要求每期家长课要持续六周呢?因为你需要亲身体验你要带领别人去做的事情。这也给了你每周与 ____每一期的持续六周家长课里, 每节课都需要带领父母帮助父母解决问题步骤PHP。
Requirements for Teachers Working in Their Own Classrooms: This extensive process involves teaching the Essential Skills for a Positive Discipline Classroom, Essential Skills for Class Meetings, and facilitating Class Meetings on a regular basis. This includes using an agenda and working with students on problem solving as well as follow up on prior solutions. This process would be expected to run the course of a school year. ____PDC Evaluation form completed by a direct supervisor, Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, or ____Face Sheet (Summary) detailing times, location, and dates of classroom work:Word or PDF ____Journal your reflections over time. You can submit using this Online Form or Word doc. 学校导师认证 (PDC) 针对在自己的班级带领PDC活动的申请人的要求:需要教授正面管教班级的基本技能、班会的基本技能,以及定期带领班会。这个过程包括使用班会日程、与学生共同工作解决问题以及跟进之前的解决方案。这一过程需要在你的学校班级进行一个学年。 ____由你的主管、正面管教导师或者正面管教高级导师填写你的PDC评估表,表格有 Word 格式 ____资料首页(总结),包括每次课详细时长,地点,和日期:表格有 word 格式 ____记录下你这段时间的反思。你可以使用PDA的 在线表格 或 Word文档提交。 Requirements for Applicants Working in Other Teachers' Classrooms: This extensive process involves teaching the Essential Skills for a Positive Discipline Classroom*, Essential Skills for Class Meetings, and facilitating Class Meetings on a regular basis. This includes using an agenda and working with students on problem solving as well as follow up on prior solutions. This entire process should take place in a minimum of two different classrooms** and expected to run the course of a school year working consistently with the same of group of students.* ____PDC Evaluation form completed by each teacher in a minimum of two classrooms: Word or PDF ____Face Sheet (Summary) detailing times, location, and dates of classroom work: Word or PDF ____Journal your reflections over time. You can submit using this Online Form or Word doc. *The word “classroom” here is intended to have a broad application. A classroom may be a public or private grade school classroom, an afternoon program classroom, a day or residential treatment program setting, a childcare classroom, or a preschool classroom. Other group settings not listed here may be considered appropriate as well.**The goal is that all essential activities be taught at least twice or until applicants feel confident with the material prior to attending ACT or requesting co-leading of two core workshops. (PDA pre-approved) 针对在其他老师班级开展PDC活动的申请人的要求: 需要教授正面管教班级的基本技能、班会的基本技能,以及定期带领班会。这个过程包括使用班会日程、与学生共同工作解决问题以及跟进之前的解决方案。整个过程应该在至少两个不同的班级进行**,而且对同一个班级至少要持续一个学年*。 ____由两个不同班级的老师填写你的PDC评估表,表格有 Word 或 PDF 格式 ____资料首页(总结),包括每次课详细时长,地点,和日期:表格有 WORD 或 PDF 格式 ____记录下你这段时间的反思。你可以使用PDA的在线表格 或 Word 文档提交。 *这里的“班级”一词有广泛的含义。教室可以是公立或私立小学的班级、课后辅导班、日间项目或成瘾行为戒除中心、儿童看护班或幼儿园班级。其他未列明的班级形式也可能被允许。**我们的目标是,你至少练习带领过两次所有核心活动,或申请者在参加ACT前对自己材料感到自信,或申请联合带导两次(PDA预先审核)核心认证班。 Positive Discipline for Early Childhood Educators (ECE) A total of 36 hours of applied practice (observation / facilitating activities from the ECE Manual with students / facilitating activities from the ECE Manual with Early Childhood Educators) are required depending on your professional and educational background. The 36 hours do not have to be divided equally but as close as possible.
正面管教早期儿童导师认证 针对具有幼儿教育专业经验或学位的申请人的要求: ____反映工作经验的简历或文凭学历证明, 点击这里 查看文档形式。 ____如果你目前正在自己班级开展ECE项目,提交你对于自己的班级的反思,以及反映你带领学生做的 ECE活动 ____ Facilitate Activities from the ECE Manual with Students – Keep a journal during your time with them and include the following for each activity:
____如果你目前没有在自己班级开展ECE项目,你需要进入一个有0-6岁孩子的机构进行不少于36小时的 观察。 ____ECE个人观察和反思表格 - Word or PDF _____ Facilitate activities from the ECE Manual with other Early Childhood Educators – For each session, submit:
针对没有幼儿教育专业经验或学位的申请人的要求: 申请人必须在有0-6岁孩子的幼儿机构观察或工作至少36小时。这个体验过程务必用以下方法记录下来: ____ECE个人观察和反思表格 - Word or PDF ____提交一份《0-3岁孩子的正面管教》或《3-6岁孩子的正面管教》的书面反思报告(该书有多种语言译本)
— Virtual Interview (Interpretation available) - The most qualified candidates will be selected. ____你的所有文档都提交完整齐全后,文档才会被送至审核 — 会对最合格的导师候选人进行面试(带翻译) 所有的审核标准都会结合具体情况。对上述要求的任何变更都必须得到预先批准。 | ![]() The Positive Discipline Association receives a 5% donation for all purchases made at www.positivediscipline.com |